Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Divergent Series

I've finished the Divergent series and several people have asked me what I think about them. These books are pretty popular right now and are getting pretty mixed reviews, so I figure I should share my two cents. Divergent is another dystopian novel that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoyed The Hunger Games. And you know what? I think I liked this series better than The Hunger Games (!!!). I realize this is a big confession, and trust me- it was a decision I did not take lightly, so I guess I better explain myself :)

One of the big deciding factors for me has to be that Tris is a better heroine than Katniss. Time and time again, Tris chooses her own fate, chooses to be a leader, chooses to be courageous. There is something innate within her that makes her divergent, but still- she chooses to act. Katniss wants to save her sister, save her family, save her loved ones. Leadership and responsibility are thrust upon her, whereas Tris has hardly anyone left, and yet she's willing to risk everything for what is right.

Then there is the romance aspect. Sure, Tris and Tobias had some a pretty volatile relationship with plenty of issues, but I enjoyed reading their love story so much more than the whole Peeta, Gale, Katniss love triangle. Plus, I had a little crush on Tobias- did you see who is playing him in the Divergent movie?!?!

And then there is Allegiant. EVERYONE I have talked to dislikes how the books ended, but I have to disagree... for the most part. The change from one narrator to two did not go over well with me. I understand why she had to do it, but it was done poorly. Each character did not have their own distinct voice, so I often found myself questioning which point of view I was supposedly following. The change in setting also threw me for a loop. For a while there, I felt like I was reading a book completely independent from this series- something inspired by The Truman Show (1998) and The Island (2005), making it feel much less original and losing all of its Divergent appeal. Still, I got through it and thought the overall story was worthwhile.

Now, as for the "twist" at the end, you'll have to ask me in person. I will NOT be spoiling these books for anyone! One of my students spoiled it for me and that's the worst! I will say that I agree with the author's decision and think the books ended well.

So there.

Can't wait for the movie to come out on March 21st!!!

UPDATE! I just read the author's own character analysis of Tris that she wrote following reader's reactions to the end of Allegient. It is so well written and perfectly describes why I loved Tris as a character and a heroine. IT CONTAINS SPOILERS so don't read it until you've finished the series. You can find the article on her website.

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