Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Break Reading Challenge

Before all my students headed out on Spring Break, I invited them all to participate in a Spring Break Reading Challenge. The rules are simple- as they are reading books on Spring Break, they are to record the number of books and pages they have read. They submit those numbers through a google form Mrs. M and I have created, and the class with the most books/pages read by St. Patrick's Day wins! Here are the results we have as of today:

As a fun addition to the Spring Break Reading Challenge, I also encouraged my students to take books with them where ever they go. Because I want to see what they are up and AND what they are reading, I also asked them to send me pictures of the many exciting places they took their books. Here is the first picture I received earlier this week:

Blurred for student privacy!

I think the kids are having fun with it, and I can't wait to see all the reading the did AND the pictures they send in! I will keep you posted about the results.

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