Friday, January 24, 2014


Graded my first stack of homework. Mrs. M agreed that it was a moment worth documenting :)


This is only a 6th of the assigments; Mrs. M did the rest. The grading took a long time, like ALL DAY. I was super slow at first, but was cruising by the end. The biggest thing I struggled with was assigning the grades- I tend to grade a lot more leniently than harshly and want to make sure I'm doing right by the students. Luckily, Mrs. M has a grading policy that is both fair and forgiving. Want a better grade? Do the assignment over again and show you've learned the material. Grades in her class truly are a reflection of what you know. Everyone said student teaching was going to be exhausting and the hardest thing I'll ever do... Still not sure what they're talking about! One week down, and I don't even care that it's the weekend. Can't wait to get back to work on Monday!

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