Monday, January 27, 2014


Next week, my students will start reading Red Scarf Girl: a Memoir of the Cultural Revolution by Ji-li Jiang in our class and studying the Chinese Cultural Revolution in their social studies class. I spent the weekend learning about the Chinese Cultural Revolution and looking for lesson plan ideas. I've searched Google, Pinterest, and Teachers Pay Teachers. I've watched documentaries and read additional texts. I even listened to traditional Chinese music while I did my research. Admittedly, I've gone a bit overboard, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. Plus, Friday is the Chinese New Year, so it feels appropriate.

If you are interested in seeing what I've put together so far for an introduction to the book, you can view my notes through Evernote. Turns out, Evernote is pretty amazing. I am using it for all things student teaching lately. Today, I also learned about 4 additional websites that I will definitely want for my classroom:

Nearpod // Mrs. M introduced me to this one. With Nearpod, teachers can create interactive presentations. Imagine a Powerpoint-type presentation that students can pull up on a tablet and follow in real time as you present. Additionally, students can take notes on the actual presentation and teachers can monitor each student's notes. Using Nearpod, teachers can also have students participate in polls and answer questions embedded within the presentation. Pretty cool, huh? I think I'll use it for my next lesson plan...

Kahoot // This website was recommended by one of the technology specialists at HMS. Kahoot is a game-based classroom response system, used to create quizzes, discussions, surveys, games, etc. that allow student participation and competition through their handheld devices. This looks like it would be great for reviews, and the students I talked to said it is a lot of fun.

Membean // Membean is a vocabulary program that HMS is piloting. For each new vocabulary word, students learn its roots, how to use it in context, pronunciation, and more. Each word also has a video associated with it to enhance long-term memory. Because of this, I especially enjoyed the "plethora" page :)

Touchcast // The technology specialist suggested this website as a tool for our news broadcast project. Touchcast is an app used for making movies, but these aren't just any movies. While you are recording, you can also add writing, pictures, video, and even web browsing to enhance meaning. Our students will be using the news broadcast theme, the teleprompter feature, and the green screen effect to further cater this app for our needs. I played around on became acquainted with this app today in order to be able to help my students use it, and I can't even tell you how cool it is.

I'm not kidding about any of these websites- GO CHECK THEM OUT!!! (I'm talking to you, UTD friends)

My day ended with an assembly on bullying by Jon Pritikin of "Feel the Power." He holds a few Guinness world records for strength, so his presentation includes feats of strength like ripping phone books in half and rolling up a frying pan like it's nothing. It was at this assembly that I again realized that middle school is the place for me. As everyone was chatting and piling onto the bleachers, I couldn't stop smiling as I watched the young friendships, the abundant awkwardness, and the abandon with which the girls were singing along to the Justin Bieber song that was blaring through the loud speakers. People have often questioned my desire to purposefully teach this age group, but I'm in love and there is no place I would rather be.  

Teachers Pay Teachers //
Nearpod //
Kahoot //
Membean //
Touchcast //
Jon Pritikin //

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