Wednesday, April 16, 2014

3rd and FINAL Formal Observation: Transitions

I used for this particular lesson plan, so you can view my whole lesson at this link. It's another website that allows students to follow along and interact throughout the lesson on their tablets. It's pretty user friendly. I especially love the embedded videos and the quizzes for formative assessment. I can see in real time who is not getting the answers as well as who is not participating.

Blendspace was fine for the classroom environment, but I think it would be even better for independent work. I'd love it for homework or an alternative option for students who miss class. Also, after students "join" your class online, they can then turn in their own blendspace assignments... Not sure how I could use this feature yet, but I like the idea of it!

This lesson was mostly a review, but here are the two videos I used to keep my students interested:

Also check out this one- It's AWESOME!

And with that, I am done with my observations! I still have 2+ weeks left in the classroom, but I can now apply for my teaching certificate!!! I can't believe I'm nearly done.

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